The Power of Enjoyment

Throughout my years of experiencing all the lows that Anorexia Nervosa has to offer, there were a number of things that helped me get through each day with a little less struggle, especially during my recovery phase. Apart from my strong support system of family, friends and my therapist, music played a small, yet significant part in helping me deal with what i was going through and the roller coaster of emotions that came with it.

From a very young age, I’ve always had a great fascination with and love for music and to this day it is still one of the few things that helps me connect with and understand my emotions, both good and bad. From Rock to Classical, music has always had something to offer and aids us in connecting with the world around us and with other people. The highs and lows of each different note mimicking the highs and lows of human emotion and connection. I’ve been told that as a toddler I would not stop singing, much to my family’s annoyance no doubt, and was even given the nickname “Stevie Wonder”, and that love for all things musical has stuck with me through the great times and the horrible ones. Music helped me to escape the real world when things got hard and to discover joy and happiness when I really needed to.

Now, although this article may seem to be about my love for music, it is in fact more about the enjoyment that music has brought me throughout my life and the power that it had to help me get through the hardest of moments. It is this power of enjoyment that can truly help all of us to understand what we need to get better and push us to see the path ahead and the brightness of our own futures. Through the joy of listening to my favourite songs, singing along and even writing songs of my own, I was able to work through the pit of despair and rediscover the amazing things that life has to offer! Therefore, through my own experiences, I have realised how important it is to find something that you love and use it to your advantage, thereby aiding with recovery and rediscovering that life is worth fighting for and you are strong enough to get through all the hard times that are thrown your way.

Although music may not be a passion or interest for all people suffering from eating disorders, there are other likes, hobbies and modes of enjoyment that can help people deal with their emotions and those extra hard days. So my takeaway from this article for you, the reader, is to find that thing that makes you happy and lights the fire inside and use it to your advantage, aiding you through your recovery and keeping your mind off the things that are causing you harm. I know it’s not an easy thing to do, but I found that it helped me through my recovery so I can only hope that it will also help you.